Saturday, October 4, 2014

Design Thinking Process

I thought this week was informative and eye-opening.  I honestly haven’t done a brainstorming activity since I was high school and I forgot how open minded it is and how it brings up so many endless possibilities.  I had a difficult time at first really thinking outside the box instead of what was right/wrong.  I also had a hard time really beginning this project in class  because I hadn’t spent enough time reading and going over the rubric before hand.  I feel like that was the hardest part for me to really dig in and get started on where I wanted to take my part of the project.  I feel like I have a good overall understanding of the steps and the project but I just need to go over it a few more times to get all the details together in my head.  
I think I can use this seven step process in work situations also.  If I have a large task to accomplish or need to really focus on a certain area, then I can use these steps to keep me on track and reach the goal.  The final project will be difficult but I know it will be worth it in the end.  I know that I personally will learn a lot that I can use later in the workforce.  As long as I follow the steps, work well with my group members, and take the adequate amount of time, I should complete it successfully and learn a lot, at the same time.  

1 comment:

  1. Blake, I promise you that if the design thinking process, you will have better results in your work, especially in the final project. I agree that you need to go through the process several time in order to understand you the process. Also, you need to understand the 7 steps we will do in the class for the final project as well. Therefore, enjoy reading and researching.
