Thursday, October 23, 2014

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

The main ideas for chapter 8 were social commerce and e-commerce.  E-commerce is the buying and selling of products and services via the internet.  Social Commerce uses social media to enable online shoppers to interact and communicate during their shopping experience and also to assist customers during the process.  Ratings and reviews were also a major point.  A rating is more to reflect quality and satisfaction.  Ratings and reviews help people make choices about the brand they will buy or the product.  Other peoples opinions on products is something that current or new customers want to know.  
Strengths of this chapter included social proof.  Social proof made a lot of sense to me because I see how true it is among people, especially girls.  Social proof is when a style or place becomes continuing popular and people assume that makes it the right choice.  Working in a female clothing boutique, it’s funny to see when a group of friends come in to the store to shop together.  They feed off of each others style and ideas of how clothes would look cute together.  There always seems to be a “leader” of the group that the other girls follow and listen to.  I see this mostly with high school age girls but even some college girls act this way when it comes to shopping, atleast.  Conformity was also discussed in this chapter and this plays a huge role in what I was just talking about.  Conformity is changing beliefs and actions as a reaction to group pressure.  I love to people watch, it is always entertaining because the human race is so diverse.  Social proof and conformity are so common among people, even though it shouldn’t be.  One of the weaknesses that I noticed was the psychology of social shopping.  I found it a little difficult to understand that way the book explained it.  I thought it could have been written and explained a little differently.  
I have never looked through the ads on social media.  When I’m on social media, it’s to either catch up on events or people that I’ve missed out on, or it’s to post something of my own.  I don’t ever even think to look at the ads honestly.  I don’t ever find them to really be geared toward anything I’m interested in either.  A lot of them seem like they would go to a scam site if you clicked on them.  
I prefer shopping in stores more than online.  Although shopping online seems more convenient, I like to try on clothes before buying them because I am so picky about what I wear.  I also like t touch the material and feel the garment.  I also like to know if it wrinkles easily or not because I don’t like to iron.  Almost every time i have order clothes online, I end up sending it back or giving it away to one of friends because I wasn’t satisfied with it once I got it.  I also don’t like to wait a few days, I like paying for it and taking it home that same day.  
I personally like to read reviews from other customers more than from other experts.  Customers are more honest when it comes to how they liked a product.  They know hey paid their hard earned money for something that weren’t pleased with so why not help others realize that too.  I always try to write review if I am unpleased.  

I think the evaluation of alternatives is important in social shopping.  It offers price comparisons, recommendations, reviews, testimonials, popularity filters, and referrals.  This is very helpful because not every shopper has something specific in mind. 

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

This week we are talking about video games.  I don’t play any video games really, only if it’s on the Wii or something with my family.  I am choosing to interview three people on how they enjoy gaming and the time they spend doing so.  First, I am interviewing my friend on Call of Duty.  He said he enjoys playing Call of Duty because of the competitiveness.  He plays this through Xbox live and can communicate with other people who are also playing online.  He said he plays this game 2-3 hours a week.  Second, I interviewed another friend about their love for FIFA.  They also play this game online through Xbox live.  One reason he likes playing FIFA is to help him learn the rules of soccer better and because it is such a competitive game.  He plays this game about 2-3 times a month.  He plays this game more when he’s hanging out with other friends who like to play this game as well.  Third, I interviewed another friend on why they enjoy playing Madden, which is a football game.  They play this game live through Xbox and also not online, just against the xbox itself.  He spends about 2-3 a month playing this game.  This is also what I consider a “social” game because he mostly plays this game when others are sitting around hanging out.  

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

The main ideas of chapter 5 are how users develop a social networking profile that shares a picture, personal and professional information and so on.  Brands have three main ways to utilize social communities.  They are social ads, interactive application and user generated contest campaigns, and and encourage people on brands. 
The strengths of this chapter was the marketing applications in the social community zone.  The book discussed paid media in social networks, earned media and brand engagement, user-generated content campaigns, and how the brand is ready for social relationships.  I thought this was a strong point because of how in-depth the book went for each of these segments.  The weaknesses were that they stuff was broken into too many pieces.  Some of it could have consolidated a little more.  
A few terms that I were not familiar with from this chapter are virtual goods.  Virtual goods are something that consumers buy in large quantities and continue to spend more of their time in an online world rather than in the physical world.  Vertical networks is a new word for me.  This is when some sites are designed around object sociality or the ability of an object to inspire social networking.  Identity portability is another word that I am not familiar with.  This is when a single profile would provide access across social networking sites with a single login and shared information.  Earned reach is gained when people share positive brand opinions using word of mouth communication.  A gallery is is when others can view and pass the content on to their respective networks. 
I don’t think that social media should own personal social data but some people don’t think twice about what they share with the world through social media.  You have to use your best judgement when it comes to sharing private information.  
I think depending on the professor, I might add them on Facebook.  I don’t see a problem with being Dr. Y’s Facebook friend but a teacher who barely knows my name or doesn’t seem to care too much, I’m not going to add on Facebook.  It’s just like anything else, it depends on the person.  
I don’t think that Facebook friends are real friends.  There’s no way to really be friends with however many people I’m “friends” with on Facebook.  You have to have a relationship to be friends, it doesn’t just happen because you think someone is nice. I do, however, think Facebook fans are real.  I follow many singing groups and celebrities and people keep up through that.  You can find out when they’ll be where and what’s going on in their world.  
I visited Nikes Facebook.  I thought that they had a great page.  I even found out about a new app that they have to help you keep track of your runs and workouts through their app.  They advertised it so well on the Facebook page that I might download it for myself.  They have 1 million users for the app which is crazy.  I do wish they showed a little more apparel or shoes that are new and maybe a little better image.  

I really liked this chapter.  I learned many new terms that I can use at a future place of employment and I love learning about social media because it is such a rising and booming industry that many adults don’t know how to incorporate into their businesses and I think our generation has a promising career in that.  

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

My social footprint in the social community, zone one, is through actively using my accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, Vine, and Foursquare.  I mostly look at these websites through the app on my phone.  I rarely look at these websites on my computer, unless I’m doing homework for this class and I need to access the Facebook page.  However, I do like to see what my friends and family are doing and who’s birthday it is that day or who is traveling where.  These are all great ways to stay connected.  
In zone two, social publishing, my social footprints are in blogging, Twitter, Vine, Instagram, and YouTube.  Although I have only made one or two vines, I revine a good bit so I think that counts.  I also have never made a video on YouTube but I have watched some.  This one relies a little more on other peoples posts, not everyone who has accounts in this zone are active users, just observers.
The social entertainment or zone three is not really where I spend a lot of time.  I don’t particularly like all the games like FarmVille, Bubblewitch or which ever most people play.  I played Candycrush for about a month or two after it had been out for a while.  I can’t stare at my phone screen for long periods of time so I normally don’t play games on my phone.  I do like Spotify and Pandora though.  I like to listen to music when I get ready for the day and these are two great apps for free music.  
I love zone four but I often have hesitation.  Online shopping is an amazing gift but I often find myself sends clothes back whenever I order online.  I like to try clothes on before I buy them and some clothes look so different in person than they do online.  As a matter of fact, a lot of things look different person than the picture they show online.  For example, jewelry, shoes, purses, bedding, etc.  I would much rather pick it out in person and feel the fabric and see what the quality of the item is like before I pay for it.
If I could create my own digital brand it would be something to do with a Daisy.  My sweet little pups name is Daisy and she is the center of my world and a huge part of my life.  Also, daisys are such a beautiful flower and who doesn’t love flowers?  Daisys are the friendliest flowers, as Meg Ryan reminds us in You’ve Got Mail.    
 I do unfortunately consider myself a social media addict.  It is a habit when I’m bored to just get on my phone and go through Facebook, Instagram, email, Twitter, Pinterest, and so on.  I remember the first social media account I signed up for was Facebook in 2006 or 2007.  I was in the 8th grade and it was the “cool” thing to do then.  I have continued to create more accounts on different social media and now am an active user of many social media sites.  
My group worked with Kristee in helping her think of new ideas to better her own personal business, Dash Forward.  We discussed her target market and market size because she utilizes social media to create sales.  She incorporates Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. 
Online, Dash Forward posts pictures of what they are selling and creating and they also take and complete orders through Facebook and Instagram, as well as over the phone.  In the real world communications, Dash Forward has a permanent location where customers come to place and pick up orders.  
Dash Forward uses social media to increase their market size, bring in new customers, offer easy access to ordering, and personable and friendly service in order to increase profit and revenue.  

This chapter opened my eyes that social media isn’t just to post personal things, it can also be used for businesses, and marketing and advertising as well. 

Chapter 1

CH. 1 Blog
I consider myself a digital native for sure.  I can only remember a short time when technology wasn’t a part of my life and that was only because it wasn't’ a big part in anyones life at the time.  Even growing up, I remember my parents have some type of phone.  I also remember vividly playing games on the computer, although they were all educational unlike more today.  I feel like I have easily adapted to technology.  I think out generation has it the best though.  We grew up learning how to deal with technology.  I can remember a time when technology wasn’t around, but I learned how to use along the way.  The generation before mine has a more difficult time adjusting to technology and the younger generation doesn’t know how to live without. 
To become active in the social media world, you have to know how social media works and use it for its good.  Through my place of employment, we use many social media tools.  For example, we post outfits and jewelry to the stores Facebook and Instagram accounts.  We get hundreds of likes and numerous comments and phone calls each day from people who want to pay and have us ship them certain items.  This has taught me just how powerful social media is how much people actually do pay attention to it.  
Being a co-creator turns users into producers and consumers.  This gives them an opportunity to make something their own and add a personal touch in order to increase it’s effectiveness.  
Some of the downfalls that I have seen through social media when it comes to marketing and merchandising is follow ups.  Some places are so overloaded with requests that online orders via social media often get lost, misplaced, sent to the wrong address or wrong payment information.  Some places may even be so over whelmed  that they won’t respond back to the customer and this creates a bad name for the company and their product.  

In order for FMO to grow more, I think that they could do some things differently.  They could increase awareness through going to some of the Merchandising classes and talk to the students about what FMO does and the benefits of being apart of the organization.  FMO could influence people to join through talking about what they do or trips they have previously taken or even through handing out cookies while talking to classes about their organization.  Also, FMO could gain more commitment through a points system amount its members.  Whoever has the most attendance points from meetings at the end of the semester could get a prize, for example. 

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Chapter 6

I chose to research the website for my place of employment, Material Girls.  Material Girls’ website incorporates SEO through an easy lookup.  They are the first website to pop up on Google when you type in the stores name.  Material Girls also asks if you want to join their emailing list for updates on sales, new arrivals, and other great things.  This option is the first thing to come on the screen when you go to their site.  Material Girls also utilizes SMO through linking other social media to their site.  You can look at Material Girls’ Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter page all through the links on their website.  As an employee, I know that we make a large percentage of our overall sales through Facebook and Instagram so it is important to link these pages to their website.

Some good key words to help customers find the website better would be the three cities that Material Girls is located in.  These include Hattiesburg, Oxford, and Jackson.  Also, boutique, or some brand names that we carry would help too, for example Love AO, Kendra Scott, Piko, Ronaldo, Lauren G. Adams, or Flying Monkey.  
I had to click through some on Google to find the website whenever I used just “Hattiesburg boutiques” but whenever I typed in “Kendra Sctot Hattiesburg” it came up as one of the options.  

The sponsored listing is the Kendra Scott direct website and the organic is the businesses in Hattiesburg that carry Kendra Scott’s line of jewelry.  Kendra Scott’s website is obviously more influential than the local stores because the local stores only have a select range of items that they have ordered and think will sell in their store, but Kendra’s direct website allows you to see every piece of jewelry they make and sell. 

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Design Thinking Process

I thought this week was informative and eye-opening.  I honestly haven’t done a brainstorming activity since I was high school and I forgot how open minded it is and how it brings up so many endless possibilities.  I had a difficult time at first really thinking outside the box instead of what was right/wrong.  I also had a hard time really beginning this project in class  because I hadn’t spent enough time reading and going over the rubric before hand.  I feel like that was the hardest part for me to really dig in and get started on where I wanted to take my part of the project.  I feel like I have a good overall understanding of the steps and the project but I just need to go over it a few more times to get all the details together in my head.  
I think I can use this seven step process in work situations also.  If I have a large task to accomplish or need to really focus on a certain area, then I can use these steps to keep me on track and reach the goal.  The final project will be difficult but I know it will be worth it in the end.  I know that I personally will learn a lot that I can use later in the workforce.  As long as I follow the steps, work well with my group members, and take the adequate amount of time, I should complete it successfully and learn a lot, at the same time.